Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's To Late Guys

Just another superstar who ending his career ugly, Brett Favre is now enshrined into this category. Making his tearful good bye a year ago, I had a lot of respect for Brett Favre. He walked away at a time when he worked so hard to get his team into position to win, only to come up one game short. I sat there and applauded Favre for this and thought he would walk into the sunset. Wow was I wrong, a full year, a different jersey, and 22 interceptions later Brett walks away again. He now joins a group of elites such as Joe Namath, Michael Jordan, Franco Harris, Guy LaFleur, the list goes on of players who stuck around in their sports far to long. It was hard to see Brett struggle at times this season, just as hard as it was to see Air Jordan flank on a Dunk. I look back now at some of the players I thought left to early. Players like Barry Sanders, Steve Young, Troy Aikman, Reggie Miller, Allen Houston, to name a few. I now think maybe these guys did it right, granted some were due to injury, the thing is we will remember these guys at their high points not their lows. Barry Sanders could’ve run through the world and been in the league at the least 5 more years. Reggie Miller is still in shape today to be dropping threes. These guys know that people respect them and show them love for knowing they were top performers. I am sure Brett Favre will get his remembrance, he was a phenomenal quarterback. But I would’ve just like to see him take that last step away from the microphone with Green Bay green and yellow in the background last season then see him walk away like this.

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